3M Certified Graphics Installation in New York

3M certification is a major deal.  It means that you’ve reached the apex of professionalism and have passed the audition.  This is an achievement the graphics masters at ImageFleet are proud to have attained.

There are a lot of graphics companies out there, but the quality of ImageFleet’s graphics installations is so superior that the 3M company is pleased to put its stamp of approval on it.  That means the world to us, so we thought we’d tell you what 3M certified graphics installation in New York takes to get.

Wrap perfection

The 3M certification means we’re vinyl wrap perfectionists, who’ve got the moves to deliver unparalleled quality work with every installation, without exception.

The process is an arduous one.  If you want 3M certification, then you’ve got to be willing to jump through the hoops, demonstrating that you’re qualified to have the designation.  3M doesn’t put its name on any random graphics outfit.  They only select the best.

The standards ImageFleet was called on to meet to obtain this certification are set out by both 3M and the United Applications Standard Group (UASG).

Whether wrapping your fleet, your floor, a wall or any surface out there that applies, the 3M certification means we’re in the top layer of graphics quality and expertise.

The hoops

Those who apply submit their portfolios, proving they’ve been doing business for a specific number of years and carry quality insurance coverage to safeguard customer property.

A list of references is also required.  Each customer reference must respond to a series of questions, rating the applicant in 5 distinct categories, under a strict timeline.

3M then sends a rep to conduct an onsite interview, during which the applicant’s responses are carefully evaluated.  Part of the interview is 3M watching a wrap installation in progress.

No pressure at all!

There’s also the written evaluation and a further practical test, involving a sampling of surfaces.  Participants must answer the written evaluation questions with 80% as the benchmark for success.

3M and UASG must both approve the applicant for certification.  And the process is never truly over, as 3M must be satisfied that we’re upholding its standards and engaging in ongoing training for emerging processes and materials.

We passed with flying colors!

If you’ve got a graphics project needing a vinyl wrap, then knowing ImageFleet is certified by the manufacturer is crucial information.  It means we’ve not only passed the audition (with flying colors), but that we need to keep 3M happy to retain our status.

And that’s awesome news for our customers, because they get 3M and UASG certified quality, expertise and up-to-the-minute technical proficiency with ImageFleet.

For all your graphics needs, ImageFleet provides 3M certified graphics installation in New York that offers you the highest possible level of professionalism in vinyl wraps of all conceivable kinds.

We’ve done what we needed to do to rise above the competition and get your business.

Doesn’t your brand deserve the best?  Contact us and get the vinyl wrap masters at ImageFleet.